Decluttering Your Mind
Living in a space that is clutter free and organized most definitely affects how we think but I challenge you to go one step further and...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Couples Living Together
Organizing tip of the week – Couples living together. Happy Valentine’s Day boys and girls! In the spirit of Valentine’s day, I thought...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Mail and Paperwork
Organizing tip of the week - mail and paperwork. Years ago, I used to be a "collector" of mail. I would even go as far as filing ALL of...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Cleansing Energy in Your Home
Tip of the week – Cleansing the energy in your home (Smudging). In the last months, I have started a small path into a spiritual journey....
Organizing Tip of the Week - Decluttering Makeup
Tip of the week – Decluttering your makeup. We are all guilty of holding on to makeup for long periods of time! I found in the last year,...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Phone Photos
Tip of the week – Organizing your phone photos. One of my wonderful clients (who happens to also be a photographer), sent me a great...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Kitchen Zones
Organizing tip of the week – Organize your kitchen by zones. Consider organizing your kitchen by the following zones: 1) Consumable zone:...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Entryway Closets
Organizing tip of the week – entryway closets. We have been really feeling winter these past weeks and I have been using my entryway...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Work Zones
Organizing tip of the week: Establish work zones in your office space. Organizing your office, whether working in an office or from home,...
Organizing Tip of the Week - Laundry
Organizing tip of the week - presort dirty clothes by hamper. Ever have laundry overload and you feel like you are swimming in laundry? I...