Organizing Tip of the Week - Pre-moving
Organizing Tip of the Week – Pre-moving tips. At least a couple of times in our lives (probably a lot more!) we will move from one home to another. It is always good to prepare for the move as far in advance as possible to make the actual move and settling into your new home an easy one.
Here are some pre-moving tips:
1) Declutter and get rid of everything you do not need and love. Purge, purge and then purge more! Moving into your new home is the perfect opportunity to start a new page. Let go of items that are no longer in good condition, of no use and that you don’t need or love. If you have any hesitation in letting go of items, think about the money you will save by not hauling those extra things and more importantly, the extra space you will have. Declutter by breaking items up into category (don’t forget to gather all items around the house when you do this – for example, when going through books, take every book you have and put it in a pile, then declutter) and then letting go of whatever you do not need or love.
2) Schedule a free donation pickup.
3) Research professional moving companies.
4) Pick the best moving day, generally movers are more expensive during the weekends so if you can schedule a day during the week.
5) Create a moving to do list/have a folder for all your moving documents.
6) When I help clients move, I usually purchase boxes, another alternative is to go to your local liquor store.
7) Get extra packing supplies at the hardware store, online or places like U-Haul – tape, wrapping paper, plastic, bubble wrap, box cutter, screwdrivers, etc.
8) Buy room stickers for boxes, I used these with my clients and they are color coded and with room type. You can order them on Amazon for under $12.
9) Schedule times to disconnect cable, phone, internet, etc.
10) Start packing early.
11) Take important documents like passports with you.
I hope these tips help you with your pre-moving needs, we will continue next week with packing tips!