Organizing Tip of the Week - Packing for a Move
Organizing Tip of the Week – Packing for a move. It doesn’t have to be that dreadful and with a little preparation, it can even be fun…okay, fun is a strong word here! Let’s begin.
1) Make sure that you decluttered your home and packing only what you need and love.
2) Consider purchasing these packing supplies: Boxes (purchase, ask your movers or go to the local liquor store), sharpie marker or color-coded room stickers, packing paper (for dishes and breakables), plastic wrap (to wrap items tightly like pots and lids, paintings, wrap drawers, etc.), boxes for glasses/dishware (if you have the budget, highly recommended), packaging tape, zip lock bags (for small items).
3) Pack room by room and start with the room that you use less.
4) Label each box with sticker or marker, use a number system 1 = living room, 2 = kitchen…
5) Take pictures of the back of tv/computer/anything with wires so it will be easy to reconnect; use zip lock bags for small screws and then tape bag to the electronic device.
6) Kitchen – pack dishes vertically, wrap dishes in paper or clothing. Make sure to pad the bottom of the box with packing paper and the top as well; put glasses in socks as an alternative.
7) Books – pack in small boxes, U-haul sells book boxes.
8) Bathroom – cover opening of bottles with a zip lock bag, take top off, put the zip lock bag, put top back on.
9) If you have baskets or bins, make use out of them.
10) Clothing – for clothes that are on hangers, use a clothing hanger box or wrap a large garbage bag around your still hanging clothing; leave clothes in drawers and wrap with the plastic wrap.
11) Pack a personal overnight bag (just in case you can’t get to all the things you need when you get to your new home).
Happy packing and if you have any questions, feel free to message me!