Spring is Almost Here - Time to Get Ready and Switch Out Your Closet
There may be snow left on the ground but Spring is right around the corner. I traveled from NYC to Boston this last weekend and when I arrived it was 22°F (-6 °C). I wondered to my Floridian self, how much longer can this last? How do people survive this weather? The weekend continued with 3 inches of snow which isn’t that bad except there was snow left from earlier in the week, so it seemed like there was a lot more snow fall then there really was.
Fast forward to today…I was finishing up with one of my clients and putting the last of the donations together. Sometimes when you are involved in an organizing session, you don’t really pay attention to your surroundings or what is going on outside – as I was packing up the donations, I noticed that the sun was shining bright, it wasn’t as cold, the snow had started melting and although we have a couple of more weeks until it is officially spring (March 20th), there was a feeling in the air that spring is right around the corner. This feeling got me thinking that a) soon I’ll be able to pack away my winter clothing and to (finally!) start wearing my clothing that has been tucked away and b) it’s a good reminder to write about switching out winter and spring/summer clothing.
So, here are a couple of tips for preparing our closets for spring/summer:
1. This is the perfect time to purge/declutter your winter wardrobe! Before packing your winter clothes, take this opportunity to go through everything, divide your clothing by category – sweaters, vests, coats, scarves, etc. and then make three piles – clothing you love and need, a throw pile for clothing that can no longer be worn (torn, stained), and clothes for donations.
2. Once you’re done with your purging session, it’s time to organize your winter clothes for storage. If you don’t have extra room in your closet, consider using space under your bed, vacuum bags, or even a spare suitcase. If you can, keep like items together when you store your clothes, it will be a lot easier when you switch back to winter or if you need to find something.
3. Since we still have time until it gets really hot, it is a good idea to include some transitional clothing - long sleeve shirts, light weight sweaters, booties, and jackets in your wardrobe – it is easiest to play around with layering your clothing.
4. You made room for your spring/summer clothes (yay!) and if you haven’t done this already, I would suggest that you do a purge/declutter. Follow the same instructions as above.
5. Now that you have only what you really love and need, set up your closet by category (like goes with like) and in a way that makes the most sense to you and goes with your daily routine. For example, if you dress up every day for work, make sure those clothes are the most accessible and in the center of the closet by category. Do you go to the gym throughout the week? Make one of your top drawers a gym drawer, etc.
6. Create a reminder in a couple of months to put your transitional clothing away.
Wishing everyone an easy seasonal closet switch and may the upcoming spring months bring new beginnings!