Ways to Celebrate New Year's Eve at Home

And just like that we are less than a day away from 2021!
When reflecting on the past year, how does one describe it? My first reaction is to use words such as quarantine, closures, loss, fear, health risks, Covid-19 (we cannot leave that one out!), virtual meetings, uncertainty and then more uncertainty.
When I dig deeper and really think about this year:
It was a year of learning how many things I had taken for granted and appreciating them so much more;
It was a year of getting closer to family, friends, clients and colleagues;
It was a year of finding clarity, setting goals and achieving them;
It was a year of always pushing forward because you knew that your sanity depended on it;
It was a year of having gratitude.
This was a year like no other and with all that we have endured, it is time to say goodbye to 2020, appreciate what we learned this past year and celebrate all the things that we can look forward to in 2021. This New Year’s Eve will be a little different but that doesn’t mean we can’t bring in the New Year with a fun celebration at home.
If you’re staying at home this year, here are some tips for making your New Year’s Eve a fun one!
1) Write down your New Year’s resolutions – grab a pen and paper or a clean Word document and make a list of the things you’d like to achieve in the upcoming year. Dream big but also break down your goals so they will be easier to manage. (Example: I want to eat healthier vs my goal is to incorporate a new vegetable dish to my diet every week). Commit to those goals and make them happen! You can do it!
2) Dress up – even though you may be at home, dressing up can make the night feel more celebratory. Girls, throw on that sparkly dress and do your makeup! Guys, put on those nice pants and a snazzy shirt! It will feel like a mini party.
3) Cocktails/drinks – now that you are home celebrating, you’ll have plenty of time to make the perfect holiday cocktail. Get ingredients beforehand and stock up on beer, wine, and any other drinks that you may want!
4) Music – have your favorite tunes playing in the background. Have a lot of energy? Throw your own dance party! Create your own playlist or search on YouTube or Spotify for your favorite music.
5) Indulge – Indulge in your favorite foods, snacks, and desserts! New Year’s Eve is a special night and I’m all about indulging. Make your favorite foods or have them delivered (pizza and sushi come to my mind)! For snacks, you can prepare a festive charcuterie board, a variety of dips, fruit or whatever else comes to mind. For desserts, order your favorite sweet dish beforehand or bake something special!
6) Call family and friends – a lot of us will be with our small capsule of family and friends and wishing we were with everyone near or far. Video chat, text or call your loved ones and wish them a Happy New Year. One short text can go a long way, especially this year!
7) Watch the NYC Ball Drop virtually – even though there will not be a huge crowd in Times Square this year, you’ll be able to watch the ball drop virtually in the comfort of your own home. What’s a New Year’s celebration without counting down and seeing the ball drop?
I hope that everyone has a wonderful time celebrating and bringing in 2021! May the upcoming year bring us health, success, love and, of course, a much better year!